A tough old cowboy once
counseled his grandson that if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was
to sprinkle a little gunpowder on his oatmeal every morning. The grandson did
this faithfully and he lived to the ripe old age of 93. When he died he left
14 children, 28 grandchildren, 35 great grandchildren, and a fifteen-foot hole
in the wall of the crematorium.
I laughed the first time a read that story, and again today when I saw it again. Although the cowboy's secret is pretty funny, I know the true secret to longevity. It's found in the Bible. Two particularly come to my mind at the moment:
My child, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever. Fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you, when you sleep they will watch over you, when you wake they will speak to you. These commands are a lamp, these teachings a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life. Proverbs 6:20-23
Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long and that it may go well with you ... Deuteronomy 5:16
It makes good sense to me that we would all live better and longer if we'd honor our parents and listen and heed their teaching and instructions. That's assuming that parents fulfilled their responsibility to train up their children, I guess. Mine did! And, I'm very thankful! Of course, none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. We don't know how many years we'll have here on the earth, but when my life here is over, I'll be living in a different place. We are all eternal beings, and will either live forever in eternal hell, or eternal life in heaven. Thanks to Jesus Christ, His sacrificial death and shed blood to atone for MY sin, I will live forever with Him in heaven. I've decided to trust Jesus...just as my mother and father taught me!
All have sinned and fallen short .... The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ....for it is by grace through faith that you are saved...not a result of works, so that no one can boast...God so loved that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes should not perish, but have everlasting life.... Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 Ephesians 2:8-9 John 3:16
So, if you're interested in longevity, try Jesus!
Friday, November 14, 2014
The Secret to A Long Life...
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Fall Fun
Another frosty morning! The foliage isn't as colorful as some years, but it's still very pretty. Twice in the past week I've seen a pair of bald eagles in our big sycamore tree. After all the fall rains, our ponds are overflowing. Harvest was put on hold because of the saturated ground, but we're going now. Most of the beans are out, and we'll be starting on corn today. I love the colors and crispness of autumn.
Again this year I attended the National Quartet Convention, but this time Dennis went too! Our friends, David and Sharon Johnson went with us. We rented a cabin and had a great time. Not only did we enjoy the NQC concerts, but we did some sightseeing in the Smokey Mountains as well.
We even walked on the Appalachian Trail...although it was an extremely short distance. We stopped at Clingman's Dome, which is the third highest point east of the Mississippi River according to the information we read.
Last week, I enjoyed the 47th Annual Fall Festival at Meramec Caverns in Stanton MO. Nancy Rockhold went with me, and we had quite an adventure. Let me just say that I would never stay at the Super 8 in Sullivan MO again! Our room reservation was made online, and when we arrived to check in, we knew right away that we made a poor choice! We did eventually move across the highway to a very nice, CLEAN, comfortable Comfort Inn. We enjoyed all the singing in the cave. There were many different groups there and all of them were great. We particularly enjoyed Karen Peck and New River in the small cave. The cave setting was cool...literally! Inside the big cave was about 60 degrees. The small cave was even cooler.... about 52°. In spite of the cool temperatures, the atmosphere was warm and intimate. The crowd was small (compared to other venues) and we were able to interact with the artists. It was a lot of fun, and we expect to make it an annual event.
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Old Paths. The piano player is a 17 year old kid! WOW! |
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Karen Peck & New River. We didn't get a picture in the cave, so just used this one from the brochure. |
Mom and I have been making routine trips to Burlington every other Monday for her chemotherapy treatments. She's doing very well, with minimal side effects. We'll be going back to Mayo sometime in December for a re-evaluation to see how the chemo is affecting the cancer. We hope to learn that the tumors have shrunk and that surgical removal will be possible.
Well, I've been "drafted" to run the auger wagon, so I'd better get myself ready to go!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Wow! Time to Update!
Summer is all but gone. Officially, autumn doesn't start until September 22, but we've already had night time temperatures of 40 degrees, so if feels like fall to me. Looking back over the past four months, it's been a really busy time. Of course, just keeping up with the grass takes up a good bit of time, especially with all the rain we've had this year!
The last day of school, back in May, was my last day of work for school. I have officially retired. I've applied for my IPERS benefits, and love being no longer employed! My favorite day of the week now is Monday, because I get to stay home while the working world returns to work after the weekend. I enjoy Monday mornings way too much!
June was busy with baseball games and swimming at the pond. Toward the latter part of June, we learned that Mom had colon cancer. After surgery to remove the cancerous section, she went through numerous tests to find that the cancer had gone to her liver. On September 8, she had her first round of chemotherapy. It went well, but she's already seen some unpleasant side effects. Although she doesn't know what the future holds, she's well acquainted personally with Him who holds the future. She has chosen to trust the Lord, regardless! She's a trooper though, and after her first chemotherapy session, she helped me make two batches of pickles! We encourage you to pray for us as we walk with Mom through this cancer battle.
We spent a week in the Ozarks in July. What a great time! Dennis' goal was to ski with his "new" leg, and he did! It wasn't without problems though. Long story short, his first ski ride ended up breaking the valve on his artificial leg. Because the valve was broken, his leg filled up with water and wouldn't stay in place. He called the prosthesis guy, hoping there would be an APO office nearby to make repairs. However, they said just tape it up with electrical tape. So, that's what he did, and it wasn't quite right, but it got us through the rest of the week.
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Dennis water-skiing at Lake of the Ozarks. |
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Baled a lot of hay over the years! |
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Winter time feeding chores. |
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This is the last of many post holes the 656 made on our place! |
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Doug of Hilltop Dairies drives it away. |
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Loaded and ready to go back to the dairy! |
Monday, April 21, 2014
My Changing View
I've been taking pictures of the view from my kitchen window. I started in January, and have taken several since. Today, I was looking at the pictures, and enjoying the noticeable changes in the landscape.
January |
February |
March |
April 15 Snowing again |
April 21 |
Change is good. I'm thankful for the changes in my life because of Jesus Christ.
Here's a song I really like. It's titled Ephesians Chapter One, and Karen Peck and New River are singing.
Ephesians Chapter 1
In the middle of the battle when all that really mattersGod says I’m blessed, I’m chosen, I’m adopted I’m favored
Is a place where I can find relief
I even start to wonder if the stress I’m under
Is turnin my joy into grief
I’ve been beat down, backed down, found myself on the ground
Thought I would lose my mind
Then I opened up the Bible and found I could rely on
Ephesians chapter one.
Redeemed, yeah, I’m forgiven
Makes me wanna sing, I’m a child of the king and now I’m a
really livin’
By the blood of the Lamb, I know who I am
God said it and it’s already done
When the devil comes in, I remind him again
Of Ephesians chapter one.
I don’t mean to sound proud
’cause you know I’ve been down
When the struggle almost took me out
But I found that God was workin in the middle of the hurtin
So I trust him and I don’t have a doubt
That His fear takin’, way makin’ chain breakin’ life changin’
Power’s gonna see me through
So I’m never gonna worry, even when He doesn’t hurry
‘Cause I know what the Lord can do.
God says I’m blessed, I’m chosen, I’m adopted I’m favored
Redeemed, yeah, I’m forgiven
Makes me wanna sing, I’m a child of the king and now I’m a really livin’
By the blood of the Lamb, I know who I am
God said it and it’s already done
When the devil comes in, I remind him again
Of Ephesians chapter one.
I open up my Bible and I know I can rely on Ephesians Chapter One!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
What A Roller-coaster Week!
Six days ago, we were all pumped up, excited about Dennis getting his new leg! Since he was getting so close to actually walking again, we started getting our Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) gear together and started thinking about the first "shoot". The weather has been spring like, and the time changed making it light later into the evening. It was all good!
But, in the process of gathering our CAS gear, I discovered that we were 500 rounds short on ammo. I started looking for it. We searched the whole house. Three times. Travis came down and searched our whole house again. Still, they were not to be found. Do you know how frustrating, aggravating, and stressful it is to be unable to locate something you absolutely KNOW you've put somewhere?
In the midst of the prolonged search, Dennis was able to haul a load of rock. We were pleased that he was able to get out and actually do something he enjoys in spite of his physical limitations. The rock was delivered, and he even went to visit a friend on the way home. Everything was fine, until he got to our mailbox. He decided that he could get the Bonny Buyer without getting out of the truck. He was correct. He did get the Bonny Buyer, but he also hit the mailbox with the door doing serious damage! I can only imagine how upset he was, since I wasn't here at the time. I do know that he was sick to his stomach most of the night because of it.
At the same time we were ransacking the house and racking our brains to think where we might have placed that missing ammo, we got the call from American Prosthetics. They cancelled Dennis' appointment to get his leg! It seems that the VA paperwork got stalled in "contracting" and there were no orders. Without those orders, they would not issue the leg. Even worse, they won't be able to reschedule it until next week at the earliest even if the paperwork comes through today. And, Kelvin, our prosthetic pro, is going to be on vacation all next week. Wow! What a downer!
So, with all that, one of my favorite "quotes" comes to mind:
Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitude toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.
I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress... It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitude is right, there's no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.
--- Charles R. Swindoll, Strengthening Your Grip
I won't say that we've responded well to the frustrations and disappointments of the past week, but we are choosing to believe God loves us, He's in control, and His timing is perfect.
So, it's still all good!
P.S. We found the missing ammo! Yes, it was in the house...exactly where we put it.
And, the truck is getting fixed....at Lem's Auto Body.
And, Evan called to say that the orders have been sent to American Prosthetics, so we'll have that leg soon!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Thunderstorms Wash Away Much of Our Snow!
This has reportedly been the "worst" winter in over a decade! I don't know that I agree with that report, but I will say it has been long. This past week we've had enough snow to cancel schools in the area, then thunderstorms, with very heavy rain, and wind! The temperatures within the past week have ranged from -10* to 52*. The rain has washed away much of the snow, so the creeks are full...some minor flooding in the area. Unfortunately, the frost in the ground won't allow the water to soak in, so it's all run-off.
Every day is one day nearer to spring....and then summer! I'm actually looking forward to longer daylight hours, mowing grass, and not needing to bundle up in three layers before going out the door!
Today it's cloudy and cool outside. The landscape looks so drab. Except for the songbirds it would almost look like a black and white photograph! I'm so thankful for the splash of color and cheerful song of the birds. By the pictures, you'd think we had nothing but cardinals. Not so! We have lots of blue jays, various woodpeckers, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, tufted titmice, robins, and many others. We also have hawks. When the hawks are around, the smaller songbirds are not! Today, we even had eagles visiting.
Dennis continues to heal well and has been to his first appointment with American Prosthetics. We go back next week for "casting". He expects to be walking on his new leg within three weeks!
Friday, January 31, 2014
The Best Is Yet to Come
This morning, while reading my email, a friend shared a thought that prompted this post.
Often, in conversation, you may hear someone say "those were the good old days" or "those were the best days of my life". I've heard these phrases, and I've said them. But, I don't believe that! Really, I don't.
Here's what my friend said at the close of her email:
If you think your best days are behind you, they are. If you think your best days are ahead of you, they are. ---C. Drost
Certainly, my life has been blessed, and the years to date have been wonderful. Life has indeed been good. I've enjoyed many wonderful times. And I am thankful! However, I believe the best days are yet to come!
Due to the fact that I need to get to work on time this morning, I can't explain my reason for believing the best is ahead. So, I ask you.... Are your best days past, or do you believe the best is ahead of you?
Comments are welcome, and encouraged!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
This Is For the Birds
I'm a bird watcher ♪♫
I'm a bird watcher ♫♪♫
Watchin' birds fly by ♫♪♫
My, my, my ♪♫....
Here comes one now ♪♫♪♫♪
From the time I was a little kid, I've enjoyed watching birds. I remember Dad making huge feeding areas right outside our picture window. Dad could also identify many birds by their song, and would point them out to us. The only birds I really don't care for are common house sparrows and starlings, both imported, if what I've read is true. Another imported nuisance, multi-flora rose! But, I digress.
I feed the birds all year, but they're easier to shoot (photograph) when the trees and shrubs have no foliage.
So, here are a few of my feathered friends:
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Red Bellied Woodpecker |
Cardinal |
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Bluejay is quite the "ham" |
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Downy Woodpecker |
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Chickadee sneaking in to get a bite before the Red Bellied Woodpecker chases him off |
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Bluejay and Red Bellied Woodpecker |
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White Breasted Nuthatch |
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Red Bellied Woodpecker |
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Bluejay |
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Red Bellied Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker |
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Cardinals |
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Common Flicker |
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Tufted Titmouse. Wind is ruffling his feathers! |
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Tufted Titmouse |
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Common Flicker |
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Eagles! Did You Know...?
I enjoy watching the eagle population in the Tri-State area throughout the winter months. I find them fascinating to watch, and challenging to photograph! This year we've seen a higher population of the Bald Eagles, probably due to that polar vortex. They can fish the Mississippi River at Keokuk on even the coldest of days because we heat the water, compliments of Union Electric! If you're reading this and aren't a local, you might think I'm joking, but it is a fact. The UE plant runs river water through huge turbines, and expels that water back into the river all warmed up. I'm sure it's much more complicated, and if you're really interested in finding out how that works, you can contact David Grimes on Facebook. He can explain it thoroughly!
Yesterday, I took my camera along as I went to work over in Hamilton. Coming back, I stopped off to shoot some eagles. Photo shots, of course! I didn't get any outstanding pictures, so I'll try again someday soon. My two favorite pictures of the day were a group of young eagles fighting over a catch, causing the one with the fish to actually drop it, and one of an adult flying with a fish in its beak. Neither are quality photographs, but I share them because I like them.
I don't know if this eagle caught the fish, or took it from another eagle. |
Two adults watch the immature fight over a fish, which is lost when the one in possession of the fish dropped it back into the river. The falling fish is the little dot just below the young eagles. |
Did you know that the bald eagle is found only in North America? Did you know that the term "bald" has nothing to do with a lack of feathers? It refers to the sharp distinction of the white head and tail with the dark body. Did you know that the eagle's broad, strong wings enable it to carry objects nearly its own weight? Did you know that an eagle's primary feathers are designed so that when storms approach, the eagle is able to fly much higher than it would during normal conditions? Did you know that an eagle can spot a quarter at over 200 yards? Did you know that it's possible for a fish to drown an eagle?
Well, you probably already knew all that, and more. It's time for me to move on. Heading off to pick on a pile of frozen dirt for a while!
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Happy New Year!
The past year has been an eventful one! As I reflect back over the past twelve months, I can't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude. We have been so blessed, not only throughout 2013, but throughout my entire life! God is so good, and I am so thankful for the abundance of His love, mercy, grace, and for His unchanging, unending faithfulness! As long as I have breath, I will praise Him! ♫♪ ♪♫
It's risky to "list" the blessing of 2013, for I know I can't list them all. However, these are some of the ones from right off the top of my head.
- Our first ever cruise! We visited Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Cozumel and spent almost a week aboard the Navigator of the Seas! Loved every minute!
- Kathy B. Schulte....after a long and courageous battle with cancer, she went to be with Jesus on April 13. We miss her, but rejoice knowing that she knew Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Her pain and suffering here is over. Through it all she continued to say, " God has been good to me. If he heals me, or if he calls me home, either way...He's good" .
- Dennis started treating an infection in March that caused him to be hospitalized several times during the year. He was on antibiotics most of the year, and in the end, it turned out that the infection was in the bone, and the recommended treatment was amputation. He had his left leg amputated below the knee on November 21. Literally hundreds of people have been, and are praying for Dennis' complete recovery. He's progressing extremely well, and throughout the whole process we've had peace, and assurance that God is taking care of him. We've not really had any anxiety, fear or discouragement. Everything has gone well, for which we are so thankful!
- We had a great family/friend vacation at the Lake of the Ozarks! What a fun week!
- We were "introduced" to Cowboy Action Shooting, and are gearing up to participate in some shooting events. At this time, I'm trying to come up with my "costume", as all SASS Cowboy shooters must be attired in appropriate period clothing. I have some ideas, and plan to attempt to make my own outfit.
- Our dear friend, Frances Pickering, went to be with the Lord this past year also. Dennis met Frances back in the late 60's when she so generously extended hospitality to him while he was a patient of the VA hospital in Denver. We kept in touch with Frances throughout the years, visiting several times, and writing back and forth frequently. She was a very special person, and we miss her ...and the newsy and cheerful letters she would send. But, we know she was ready to go. We were blessed to have known her.
- The first ever Aquanaut reunion! What a fun time with friends we'd not seen in many years!
I know there are many more wonderful things I could list, but time has slipped away, and I have to get ready to go meet Travis!
So, Happy New Year to all (all three) of my readers!