Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Celebrating a New Year and New Decade!

We brought the New Year in with our eyes wide open! We were invited to share the evening with friends and we had a great time. When we finally headed home, it was well into the first day of 2020.

The festivities continued with an "Old Fashion Miller Christmas" with lots of food, fun, and fellowship.  I was the winner of the chicken hat dance off! What non-sense! But it was fun.

Watch it Here

We then watched the Rose Bowl and had hoped to see the Big10 Wisconsin Badgers win, but they couldn't quite pull it off.

With the holidays, parties, feasts, and all the sweet treats offered at each event now behind us, we're ready to get back to our 'normal' hours, activities, and diet!  Someone must have lost a few pounds, because we've found them!

The temperatures have still be very mild and we've accomplished quite a bit on our outdoor projects. One of my favorite recent accomplishments was getting the automatic waterer to work! Now we don't have to water the cows.  Of course, we still check the waterer every day to be sure it's working and we'll feed the cows, but no more filling water tanks, running heaters in the tanks, and draining hoses to prevent freezing. Very nice!

That's just about as exciting as it gets this time.  Happy new year!