I spent the time between bus routes today cleaning up the yard. I raked sticks, leaves and all the other stuff that the dogs have brought home to show us. While I was raking, I saw a bee! A honeybee!
Now, I am certainly no authority on such things, but I would think that a honeybee sighting is a very good sign of spring! I must say I got a little excited about seeing it, and then there were two! I actually saw several of them while I was raking and burning. Honeybees buzzing around in March!
I also was thinking (while I was raking and burning) that I am very thankful for a fairly small yard! Raking is more work than I'm used to doing. The burning part was fun. Oh, but I did have help. Scamba took one look at the rake, and said, "Not me!" And then he laid down right beside it, with his little sidekick, of course.
Then I started thinking, "I wonder if I should call the Sheriff and let him know I'm burning grass clippings." I decided against it. I figured, the little fires I was making were more like camp fires and I'm sure we're not required to call those in. Yet, anyway.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
More Signs of Spring!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Signs of Spring!
As I drove to school this morning, I enjoyed a spectacular sunrise, and I also noticed LOTS of redwing blackbirds on the wires, perched in tree tops and tall grasses and along the roadside. I have been seeing lots of robins for several weeks now, and also meadowlarks. What a beautiful morning today! Even though the forecast for this weekend includes possible snow, we know that spring will arrive right on time.
I hardly seems possible that within a few weeks, planting season will be upon us! Dennis and Travis have been fairly busy with grave-digging, and when they get started on the field work, I'll probably be seeing very little of Dennis! Once the crops are in, he's planning on having his left knee replaced. That will slow him down for much of the summer, which means that I will be adding a lot of the work he does to my already exhausting work load! (That's supposed to be a funny...since I hardly do anything at all most of the time anyway!)There are some other "signs of spring" I've observed over the past few days. The kids on the bus are even more rambunctious than before. The next two weeks are what we call "four-day weeks" meaning that we have only four days of school....which also then means long weekends! This is good! Very good! By my count, there are 54 days of school left for this year. Our last school day is June 2. Do you sense that I am ready for summer vacation? I'm really not, but what I am looking forward to is balmy mornings. I look forward to warmer weather, days that I don't need to start the car a few minutes early bundled up in boots, coat and gloves. I will not be one of those complaining this summer of the insufferable heat! Humidity....maybe, but not the heat!
Well, it's such a gorgeous day, I'm going to go find something to do. One of the top jobs on my to-do list: de-poop the yard. Squeak has not yet learned that it would be much nicer for everyone if she would go take care of her business where we don't walk!