Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I woke up this morning, feeling rested, blessed and thankful!  It would be impossible to list all the things for which I am thankful.  However, I will name just a few.
I'm thankful for my husband.  Back in 1970, when we met and started dating, I thought he was pretty great.  But, I now realize that I had little to do with "picking a winner" for a husband!  God has brought us through these past 42+ years and blessed us abundantly beyond all that we could have thought to ask or even imagine.  God has made Dennis the man he is today, and I am thankful!
I'm thankful for our sons, their wives, and our grandchildren...even great grandchildren!  I've always thought our boys were the best boys on the planet (still do), and at one time thought there would never be a girl good enough for them. But, I was wrong! I'm so thankful for the "girls" God brought into our lives through our sons!  They've been a real blessing and joy!  We love our daughters!
I'm thankful for my parents.  Mom and Dad were and continue to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.  They showed me the way to live by walking in righteousness themselves.  They taught me right from wrong.  They taught me to enjoy work, respect others, share, sing, and love.  My understanding for God's unconditional and constant love is largely due to the way my parents loved me! They taught me just about everything I know!
I'm thankful for my siblings.  They too have taught me a lot!  I love each of them dearly, and I know that if ever I need help in any way, I can count on them! 
I'm thankful for friends.  We have many that I consider "forever" friends.  Even if time and distance separates us, the bond remains.  If you're one of those, you know who you are!  Friends are a blessing.  I'm thankful for all my friends!
I'm thankful for my home.  I love our house, I love where our house is located, and just everything about it. 
I'm thankful for excellent health!  What a tremendous blessing to be at my age and  enjoy good health!
I'm thankful for reliable transportation.  I'm thankful for work, and opportunities to work.  I'm thankful for songbirds.  I'm thankful for eyesight, for the ability to hear, for the sense of smell. I'm thankful that I am able to taste things. 
I'm thankful for all my stuff! Even though I have more than I can stuff away, I am thankful and I'm thankful that I can take a lot of my stuff and give it away to bring pleasure to someone else who doesn't have stuff!
As I stated earlier, it is impossible to list all for which I am thankful.  Most of all, I am thankful for God, who was, and is, and is to come, who created all that is with a word, who is truth, life, light, and love.  I'm thankful for God's constant mercy and grace. I'm thankful for God, who gave His own beloved Son, so that I am reconciled....redeemed...forgiven. Indeed, I am thankful!

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness!
Come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He who made us, and we are His.
We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, and bless His name
For the Lord is good.
His love endures forever.
His faithfulness continues to all generations!
Psalm 100

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Stuff, Stuffed, and Stuffing

I have stuff. Nearly everyone has stuff, I guess.  In my case, I have more stuff than I can stuff into the space available. I've stuffed stuff into closets, into cabinets, into boxes, totes, and bags.  Every available space is stuffed with stuff, and I just keep stuffing.  What is all this stuff?  How have I acquired all this stuff? Why do I keep this stuff? What will I ever do with this stuff? A lot of this stuff has to go!  I don't need most of the stuff I've stuffed away all over our over-stuffed house.  Beginning now, I'm going to start stuffing stuff into a truck and share stuff with someone who doesn't have enough stuff!  So, if you want stuff, I'll give you some stuff.  I'm "cleaning house", and stuff is moving out! Unloading stuff ... clearing the clutter!  Stuff out Saturday, November 30.