I hope you aren't feeling as old as I know you are!
We've had a fun day. Zach and Wyatt came and we've been playing school. We are now having a reading time, so I have a few minutes to let you all (whoever reads this) know what school is like at Mar Susie's One Room Schoolhouse. We did math, writing and music before lunch. After lunch we had science. In our science class, we were discussing gravity, resistance and inertia. Then we had recess. For recess, we did some grass skiing. We towed Zach on skis behind the four wheeler. I'm posting the pictures this time.
He made it quite a distance, but when he hit the wet spot, the resistance was so much less that he went over backwards!
How nice that our science lesson could be experienced in such a fun way. He also learned about inertia. When the skis stuck in a rut, his body continued forward motion until he hit the ground. And of course, without gravity he could have just floated up and away into the sky! Learning can be fun!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Bobbie!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Prom Night for KHS!
And they sure had a lovely evening for it! Here's a picture of Jake and his friend, Megan.In other news, yesterday Zach and Wyatt tried skiing behind the four wheeler. Zach was able to go quite a distance, but Wyatt just couldn't get his skis to stay together. I have no pictures to post, because I was driving the wheeler. It was fun, though, and I'm sure we'll be doing it again!
I saw (and heard) a wren this morning! That means the wonderful whippoorwills can't be far away! I just love hearing the whippoorwills!
Our goats are enjoying fresh greens these days. Two of them are very obviously carrying babies. We think the third one is too, but she's not as big around as the other two, so we think she'll be the last to kid. We expect the kids to start arriving anytime after June 24.
Well....that's it for this time. Planting season is here...I saw planters Friday down around Montrose in that light sandy soil. The seed corn was delivered last week, so as soon as it dries up enough to go, they'll be planting.