Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Bobbie!

I hope you aren't feeling as old as I know you are!

We've had a fun day. Zach and Wyatt came and we've been playing school. We are now having a reading time, so I have a few minutes to let you all (whoever reads this) know what school is like at Mar Susie's One Room Schoolhouse. We did math, writing and music before lunch. After lunch we had science. In our science class, we were discussing gravity, resistance and inertia. Then we had recess. For recess, we did some grass skiing. We towed Zach on skis behind the four wheeler. I'm posting the pictures this time.

He made it quite a distance, but when he hit the wet spot, the resistance was so much less that he went over backwards!
How nice that our science lesson could be experienced in such a fun way. He also learned about inertia. When the skis stuck in a rut, his body continued forward motion until he hit the ground. And of course, without gravity he could have just floated up and away into the sky! Learning can be fun!


Madam Cardoza said...

You are a Terrific Grandmother. You do so many neat things with the boys. Hope David and I get a chance to share fun times with Cash some day.

Heidikins said...

Ummmm what IIII wanna see is YOU showing the example of inertia and gravity LOL

Great pics