We're going to call her "Squeak". Today is her first day away from mother and the rest of the litter. Scamba is interested in her, but seems aloof.
Squeak is just 7 weeks old. She looks like a little ball of fur. We're hoping she will learn to be as good as Scamba, who is the best dog we've ever had!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Meet Pipsqueak!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!
Surprise, surprise, surprise! We really surprised them. Kyle brought them to the party by telling them a big tall tale, and when he got them to the Ivor Fowler center, they were going to stay in the truck because they thought he was stopping in to see one of his friends!
When they realized that he'd been telling them a story, they came in to see many of their friends and family already there, waiting for them.
The party was very well attended. We tried to get everyone to sign the guest book, but are pretty sure there were a few that didn't even know it was there.The cake was beautiful, and delicious, and gone! We ate the whole thing. Gariann's baked potato soup was a hit as well.
Mom and Dad are standing at the cake table, while we sing the "Happy Birthday" song, and I think they were saying to each other, did you know about this?
It was a fun party, and I'm sure they enjoyed it too.
We took some family group pictures of those who were there. Unfortunately, we didn't get started taking the pictures until after some of the kids had left, so we didn't get everyone in the pictures.
This is all the grandkids who were still there at the end of the day. We also took one of Mom and Dad with their kids....except for Lynn who had to work and could not be there.Can you guess what's going through Mom's mind in this picture? I KNOW what she was thinking, but would enjoy reading your comments and guesses as to her thinking.
Well, that's my latest news, and now Dennis and I are heading to Quincy.