Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Busy Weekend Ahead!

What a change a day makes!  Sunday we still had about 10 inches of snow on the ground.  Monday brought warmer temperatures, so Kirk, Gariann, Dennis and I got the shovels out and cleared a lot of the pickleball courts off.  Tuesday was over 50 degrees, so we played pickleball without coats and gloves.  In fact, one of us played without a shirt. And today, Wednesday the snow is almost gone except for the shady places and north facing hills.

We have our small group meeting tonight, Iowa basketball Thursday, and Friday we've invited some friends over for food and fellowship.  I've promised that we'll eat together, and that there will be plenty, but as of yet have not decided what I'll fix.  Our circle 8 group hasn't met since the COVID outbreak, and we're really looking forward to the time together.  On Sunday, we're participating in a "Trivia Night" event.  We don't expect to know the answers to any of the questions, but hope to have a good time anyway, while supporting a great cause.  

Stay tuned - I'll try to get pictures and share about how things went for our team!