Well, we're back. Although our service was out for less than two days, it seemed like a very long time! After spending much time with technical support, we went to bed late last night still not working. I don't know what happened during the night, but this morning, it's normal. After all she had me do, the girl assisting me by phone ended our conversation with, "well, we have no idea what the problem is, so you do a speed test three times a day for the next three days, and then we will figure out what is wrong." That's about like calling your Dr. with a real emergency need, and he says take two aspirin and call me in the morning. Grrrrrr!!! Two hours of having her extremely loud voice crackling in my ear, and with such a strong accent that I had to guess most of the time as to what she was saying, and they tell me we'll try to figure it out within three days! The girl said her name was Amie, but I thought she must have been "Mujibar's" sister! I told her I was very disappointed. Of course, she apologized for my inconvenience. What a pleasant surprise to wake up this morning and find it all working right!
Anyway....now I can post the picture of the Liverpool Legends. As I said in the previous post, we did enjoy the first half of their show. I have a video of them singing She Loves You, but because I'm taking Squeak to the vet for her next round of shots in a few minutes, I'll not try to post that!On a lighter note, some time ago I received a book from my nephew called Wyoming Whistle Stop. I've read it a couple times, and each time I pick it up, I read the following story. If it doesn't tickle your funny bone there's something wrong with you!
It was State Fair time in Douglas, Wyoming. The cowboy was riding across the grassy field between the parking lot and the main fair grounds and the "urge" struck him like a thunder bolt. In a word he had to go. No if, ands, or buts about it.
Spying a porta pottie about midfield, he spurred his horse into a gallop and slid to a stop, bailing off with all the grace and speed of a calf roper. Now if this were a western movie, the cowboy would have dropped the reins, entered the instant outhouse, done his thing, and when he came out, the horse would have been quietly grazing a few feet away.
In reality there was a 30% chance the horse would be there and a 70% chance the cowboy would have spent the rest of the day going, "Has anybody seem my horse?"
Always one to play the odds, the cowboy entered the latrine and somehow managed to close the door, half mast his Levis and still hang onto the reins. Little did he know that chaos, not relief, was only moments away.
The parking lot was rapidly filling up with cars, and among the arrivals was Homer Farsworth, practical joker extraordinaire. As he traversed the field towards the fairground, Homer spied the horse, seemingly tethered to the outhouse.
An opportunity like this only comes along once or twice in a lifetime, and Homer made the most of the moment. Sneaking up behind the privy, Homer sprang out waving his hat in the horse's face. The horse shied with a vengeance, and the cowboy catapulted out of the outhouse like a champagne cork. The cowboy instinctively refused to let go of the reins, and was summarily drug forward with his career exposed and his reputation on the line.
"Whoa, you son-of-a-buck, Whoa!" shouted the cowboy as he tried desperately to pull up his pants with his free hand and regain his feet. Homer took pity and finally intervened, snatching the reins and calming the terrified animal.
The cowboy lay prone in the grass. The crowd that had gathered looked on in stunned silence. Finally, the cowboy regained his feet and stood there in semi-shock, his pants down around his ankles.
Homer walked over to the cowboy, who was now getting his bearing and handed him the reins.
"Dang, Andy," Homer said loudly, with a twinkle in his eye, "if you needed me to hold your horse all you needed to do was ask." A murmur of laughter spread through the crowd.
Homer placed his arm around Andy's shoulder and said, "Folks, I don't know if they award points for the outhouse slingshot event, but I'd have to give Andy here and 8.5 just for the landing!"
The crowd erupted into cheers, whistles, and clapping. Andy, getting into the spirit of the situation, clasped his hands above his head in mock appreciation. Then forgetting the location of his Levis, he bowed deeply.
The crowd went off like fireworks at the 4th of July. Peals of laughter rolled through the crowd, bouncing off the Laramie Peak and could be heard 30 miles away in Glenrock.
Andy chagrinly pulled up his pants, tucked in his shirt, and when the laughter died down, addressed the crowd, "Folds, I truly apologize if I embarrassed anyone besides myself, but if you'll excuse me, I suddenly remembered my original mission.
"Homer, hold my horse!" And with that Andy sprinted for the outhouse, followed by more cheers, whistles, and laughter---a fitting end to the beginning of the day.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Cold, But Sunny Thursday
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
That Was A Really FAST...
Summer! Saturday Zach and Wyatt came over for the morning. We packed up some snacks and my scrapbook tools and went to their house for a "scrap and snack" afternoon. It was so nice out though that they decided to go outside after making just a few pages. That was good though.
Sunday the temperatures got into the 70's! Summertime! The pup and I walked our trails picking up sticks, and we played around at the small creek. Sugar Creek was full and flowing fast. It was a great day. But it passed much to quickly. Winter has returned. This morning's temperature is about 17 degrees, with wind. Brrrrrr!
I have been working on several photo story albums, and am happy to have finished five! I've uploaded the finished ones to be printed and should have them within the next couple weeks. That's been taking up most of my time, which is my "excuse" for not posting since February 20.
We did attend the Liverpool Legends concert last Saturday at the Grand Theater. The show was really good. I'd planned to post a video of the group, but we're experiencing some "technical difficulties" so I decided not to even try right now. I'm hoping things will get better quickly!
Please be patient, and check back again!
In the meantime....have a great day!