This is Lucky. Lucky horse! Darren, the rider might be lucky too, but we don't call him that! When this picture was taken, it was just the fourth time Lucky had been ridden. She's a three year old Quarter Horse. We've had her since she was six months old. She has had about 30 days under the saddle. I rode her for about an hour after we got home. She's very calm and will go where ever you point her. I'm planning to put a lot of hours on her this summer and through the fall.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Lucky Horse
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
SIB Trip 2005
Last year, Bobbie and I traveled to South Dakota. We took off with no plan what-so-ever and drove straight through to the Badlands. We took our paints and canvasses along and started portraits of Mom and Dad. While there, we thought it would be fun to pose for our own Mount Rushmore style photograph. Keep in mind that the paintings of Mom and Dad are unfinished! We have yet to paint them some hair and clothing. Pictured here, they're not much more than eyes, noses, and mouth. We are all much better looking than this picture portrays...Ha! We had such fun that we decided to make an annual SIB Trip. This year we plan to go to Upper Peninsula, Michigan and have dubbed it the SIB Trip 2006-Lighthouse Tour. Watch for more news about it here. In case you wonder-SIB is for Sibling. To be invited, you must be a sibling.
First Attempt at Blogging!
Wow! Ten years ago, I was one who said "I will never be connected to the internet"...and now look at me! I'm a blogger. Well, I'm learning as I go, so don't be too critical. My purpose for this blog site is to keep a diary of sorts. I figure, at my age, if I don't keep a log of what I've been doing and where I've been, I might not remember! This way, I'll be able to go back and see where I've been and what I've done! If this turns out to be the only entry on this blog, then you (who ever reads this) will know that I've forgotten how to get back here. Believe me, that is totally possible!