Wyatt and Zach were here for most of the day. Zach rode his motorcycle, and Wyatt and I rode the four wheeler. Then they played in the lime pile while I fixed up a picnic lunch. After that we went fishing at our pond. We caught several crappies and bluegill. This big mouth bass was the catch of the day! We threw them all back, so we might catch them again another day. Zach took the picture because neither of the boys would hold the fish! Just before Tyler came to pick them up, we went to play in the big creek. It was a pretty fun day.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Catch of the Day!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Mark Twain Cave, Baseball and Other Stuff
Today, I transported a bus load of second graders, along with their teachers, to Hannibal to tour the Cave. Since Zach is in that class, Kathy and Wyatt also went. I think everyone had a good time. Wyatt was pretty nervous inside the cave, and even more so after the "lights out" demonstration. It's so dark in there you can't see your hand in front of your face. In fact, according to our guide, if you were to remain in that total darkness for six months, your eyes would actually go blind! I've been through the cave several times, but it's always an interesting place. As usual though, you always hear about "billions of years ago...." to explain how the cave came to be there in the first place. I don't know why they can't just leave
that part out. Who was here "billions" of years ago, and how do they know there was a great inland sea in the Midwest? Bunch of baloney if you ask me. When we saw the "Alligator", one of the kids asked, "Who made that?" I quickly replied, "God." The kid was satisfied with that answer, and I believe it to be the correct answer. Anyway...overall it was a very nice day. Now I must get ready to go watch Zach's very first baseball game.
I took quite a few pictures while we were at the cave, and so many times when the boys see a camera, they get those goofy grins instead of just looking like their naturally good looking selves. Today, I got an exceptionally good picture of Wyatt. This is what he really looks like MOST of the time, but when you take his picture, he "poses". In this instance, I caught him by surprise! That's quite hard to do, but I did it!
It's time to load up my camera and head to the game.
Dennis and Travis are planting corn this evening. I talked to Dennis earlier and he said they'd quit at dark. This morning when I left, they still had about 140 acres of corn to plant. I hope they got a lot done today!
The ball game was fun. Zach played first base and did a fine job! Naturally, I have pictures!
As usual, I missed the really good shots! I tried to get him running home, but missed, and I didn't get any good pictures of the action at first base. There will be many more opportunities, I'm sure.
Dennis and Travis got another 70 acres of corn planted. I think maybe there are just about that many acres yet to plant for corn, and then they'll start planting soybeans. When the planting is done, Travis and family will be moving into their new house.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day Moto-Cross Mania
What a fun day! Fun for some of us anyway. Dennis and Travis worked hard all day. They were finally able to get into the fields, and at last report (by phone) had planted about 70 acres of corn. While they were working, I had lunch with Mom and Dad, along with Gariann, Kyle and Victor at Taco Bell. Later, Tyler, Kathy and the boys and Kyle came to ride. Tyler invited some friends. Neal and Stephanie with their two boys brought their
bikes and wheelers. Bailey and Cody are both about 8 years old...as is Zach. Wyatt rode with me most of the day on our four wheeler. It was a beautiful day. Everyone seemed to have fun, and although there were a few very small wrecks, we had no
injuries. Kyle was riding around with his feet over the handle bars and the young impressionables started imitating! Thanks Kyle! The trick which most impresses me is the front wheel thingy...but of course, I'm never ready with the camera when he does that! Tyler and Kyle went down into Sugar Creek and immediately found quick sand. They went down pretty fast, and got out of there as fast as they could. Naturally, by the time I arrived on the scene with a camera, they were back up on the high ground. Again, I missed what was possibly the best photo of the day! I took at least 50 pictures. I always figure that one of the great things about digital photography is that you can just take way more pictures than you think you would ever need, because it doesn't cost anything. Then, with so many pictures, you're
sure to have at least of few good ones! These are my best ones of today:
Tyler is the green shirt and white helmet. Above,
Kathy is being chased by the three young riders.
And at left, you see those three young riders. Leading the way, is Zach. He is followed by Cody, and then Bailey. Kyle is wearing a white shirt. His bike and Tyler's bike look very much alike to me, but Kyle has a number (44) on his. Even Wyatt had trouble telling them apart. I know one thing...they both ride like they're unbreakable!