Since several have pointed out that I've not updated in some time, here is a very quick update.
More later, with pictures.
- Summer school has gone very well and will end July 30.
- Swimming party for just our family at the new pool tonight! Should be fun!
- Spent last weekend in Northern Wisconsin at Camp Forest Springs
- Spending this weekend in Northern Wisconsin at Camp Forest Springs
- Sweet corn is almost ready to pick and process for our winter supply!
- Summer is going by way too fast!!!!
- Bobbie got a new car! 2010 Prius. Very nice!
- Gariann and Kirk have new bikes! Also very nice!
- We have lots of bluebirds utilizing all those boxes Zach made.
- It's raining again today!
- Jake had his 18th birthday yesterday! WOW!
- I have become a collector of baseball cards!
- We're still looking for a good home for our dog. Call if you're interested!
- All three calves are doing well, growing and cute as can be.
- Lynn has ordered solar lights for our flagpoles! Yea!
- We've been reading a lot more this summer, and watching less television! Yea!!!
Watch for new photos soon!
10:30 PM
Just back from the pool party.