Here's what the house looked like at quitting time. I just thought it was pretty impressive what the crew got done in a day. If only the harvest goes as well!
I'm expecting a little visitor soon. Zach was planning to spend the night, but had a birthday party to attend first. I'm thinking if he doesn't get here pretty soon he may not be coming tonight. It's already past his bedtime. After all week at school, he usually is ready for bed before nine o'clock. If he doesn't come for the night, he'll call for me to pick him up in the morning.
Friday, September 29, 2006
What A Difference A Day Makes!
Frigid Friday
It's Friday! Where did the past week go? It feels like winter outdoors, but the woolie worms are still saying that winter will arrive on or about December 21, with Christmas to follow in about four days. As I'm typing, the horse is running, kicking and bucking all over the pasture. She's beautiful when she's running. I guess the cold air must have given her a burst of the friskies. Burger King, the angus steer, is frisking too, but I think he's just trying to stay out of the horse's way.
Travis, Dennis and Gail are shelling corn this morning, and I ran to Nichtings for parts. When I got back with the part, I took a few pictures, but it was beginning to rain. Gail was driving the tractor with the auger wagon, so Travis could unload the combine without stopping. Dennis was taking the corn to the elevator. Yesterday, they skipped the field work and put rafters on the house. They had quite a crew there. Dale and Becky, of course, plus Dad and Lynn, and Dennis and Travis. Mom came with lunch, and I stopped by to take some pictures. When I came back home this morning I found Perry Harrison here engraving our name on the big rock in our yard. I think it turned out pretty nice. We found the rock here
on our place and moved it up to the yard, so I could mow around it. My original plan was to collect a whole bunch of rocks and make a waterfall, creek and pond in the yard. I've pretty much given up on that idea. Can't see it ever happening, but I still gather rocks whenever I can! You can see from the picture that this rock is split in half. It was that way when we found it in our creek.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Time for Keokuk's 2nd Annual Geode Fest!
Today between morning and afternoon bus runs, I was invited to go "scout" out one of the sites that will be used for the guided hunts during Geode Fest. What fun! I enjoyed it very much, and even brought home a few geodes! The leaves seem to be turning more colorful by the minute. It was a gorgeous day. After school, I went to Ft. Madison for a mandatory training session for bus drivers. Several from Central met at Vel's to eat prior to the class. I still have no harvest pictures. They've been working long days though, and things have been going quite well. Dennis just got home, and I expect he's very hungry! Better get that casserole out of the oven. Oh, that big black looking thing in the boat is the geode I brought home!
Monday, September 25, 2006
It's Harvest Time!
I have tried and tried to delete the double post, but can't seem to get rid of the extra one! So, I give up, and we'll just go on. Yesterday the guys got started shelling corn. They didn't really work yesterday, but they got everything in place and ready to go. Travis shelled just enough so that they could park the trucks off the road. They got an early start this morning, and hopefully things are going well. I've not had time to check on them or get a picture. Since they're busy with harvest, I'm the one that gets to do the rest of the work. Today I went to Hamilton to take care of backfilling a grave, and tomorrow I'll be back over in Illinois...same thing-different place. Between that and the bus route, they'd better just be exceedingly thankful for a meal...whether it's good or not! I'll try to get a picture added tomorrow....but right now, I better get to the kitchen and start preparing something edible!