I had lots of help today, and we got quite a bit accomplished. After completing several jobs, we thought it would be fun to give Rusty a bath. He really needed it! Well, turns out that Rusty didn't want a bath, but since we'd already applied the shampoo, we couldn't stop until he was rinsed. Long story short, the bath ended with one freaked out dog, two very concerned boys, and an extremely painful wound for me. Dr. Dennis helped clean the wounds and applied the super glue and bandages. I sure hope it doesn't get infected! Rusty is now resting quietly beside me, all soft and fluffy and smelling nice and clean. Was it worth it?
Zach mowed our grass and Wyatt trimmed. Wyatt also cleaned the interior of the truck. Both helped do some work at the cemetery, filling low places. I suspect that with all the rain we've had, there may be lots of places needing attention before Memorial Day.
I had hoped to include a few photos, but am unable to upload. After many attempts, I'm giving up!
Finally able to upload the pictures.....Sunday night.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Productive Day Until Time To Bathe Rusty
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Hail, Hail, It's Stormy Here!
Actually, it's stormy all across the central states, from Texas to Chicago. Fortunately, we don't have the tornadoes that are ripping through Oklahoma and Kansas. I was just about to fall asleep this evening when the hail started. It sounded like someone throwing rocks at our house. I feared that the windows were going to break. Thankfully, it didn't last very long. It may not look like much in the photo, but it sounded like coconuts falling from the sky!Farming has pretty much come to a stand still. We've had rain, and more rain. It will eventually dry up, and then they'll be planting crops....some of the farmers will be replanting.
I am looking forward to the last day of school, June 4th. I'm sure the kids are as well. We have about three weeks left. I will be traveling with the fifth graders to Des Moines to visit the State Capitol one day next week. It should be a great time.
The storm seems to have passed, so...good night!