Thursday, April 26, 2007

Civil War History and Other Old Relics!

Since it was raining, the re-enactors took their "act" inside at the Wright Fieldhouse. While I was there with the 5th grade classes from our school, I decided to tour my old school, and I ran into this OLD RELIC! Actually, the truth is, I was looking to find her, knowing that she'd be in her office. I just thought it would be nice to stop in to say hello to an OLD friend! I figured that since I've had no readers and no comments for a long time, PERHAPS this would draw some interest. The sad fact is, this OLD friend is considerably younger than I am, but she will celebrate another birthday this summer. Could she be nearing that big important half century milestone? I don't know, but this could be the one!
My real purpose in being at Keokuk High School was to transport our students to the Civil War Re-Enactment. I did the same trip last year with different students, and enjoyed it. There were several that I remembered seeing from last year, but also some new folks. My two favorites were the Civil War era photographer, and the Doctor. Both were very interesting as well as entertaining. The "doctor" was a very dramatic and colorful story teller. When he explained the medical equipment and how it was used, it was almost like seeing it. In fact, he described things so clearly that several people fainted during his presentation. One of our students had to sit down, and another had to run for the bathroom to vomit! The whole thing was really interesting and well done. I counted at least nine stations that were demonstrating some type of activity for that era. Normally, it's all out at Rand Park, but was moved inside today due to rain. They expect to be back out in the park tomorrow, and then the Battle of Pea Ridge will be re-enacted on Saturday and Sunday. I wonder who will win this year...?
This picture of the Doctor isn't the one I meant to put in here. I had one from the other angle that showed some of the facial expressions of the kids that were listening to him. Some of those girls looked positively green!
At any rate, I had a pretty good time today, and now, if it's not too bothersome, perhaps I'll receive some comments from you!