Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thunderstorms Wash Away Much of Our Snow!

This has reportedly been the "worst" winter in over a decade!  I don't know that I agree with that report, but I will say it has been long.  This past week we've had enough snow to cancel schools in the area, then thunderstorms, with very heavy rain, and wind!  The temperatures within the past week have ranged from -10* to 52*.  The rain has washed away much of the snow, so the creeks are full...some minor flooding in the area.  Unfortunately, the frost in the ground won't allow the water to soak in, so it's all run-off. 
Every day is one day nearer to spring....and then summer!  I'm actually looking forward to longer daylight hours, mowing grass, and not needing to bundle up in three layers before going out the door!
Today it's cloudy and cool outside.  The landscape looks so drab.  Except for the songbirds it would almost look like a black and white photograph! I'm so thankful for the splash of color and cheerful song of the birds.  By the pictures, you'd think we had nothing but cardinals.  Not so!  We have lots of blue jays, various woodpeckers, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, tufted titmice, robins, and many others.  We also have hawks.  When the hawks are around, the smaller songbirds are not!  Today, we even had eagles visiting.  

Dennis continues to heal well and has been to his first appointment with American Prosthetics. We go back next week for "casting".  He expects to be walking on his new leg within three weeks!