Summer is all but gone. Officially, autumn doesn't start until September 22, but we've already had night time temperatures of 40 degrees, so if feels like fall to me. Looking back over the past four months, it's been a really busy time. Of course, just keeping up with the grass takes up a good bit of time, especially with all the rain we've had this year!
The last day of school, back in May, was my last day of work for school. I have officially retired. I've applied for my IPERS benefits, and love being no longer employed! My favorite day of the week now is Monday, because I get to stay home while the working world returns to work after the weekend. I enjoy Monday mornings way too much!
June was busy with baseball games and swimming at the pond. Toward the latter part of June, we learned that Mom had colon cancer. After surgery to remove the cancerous section, she went through numerous tests to find that the cancer had gone to her liver. On September 8, she had her first round of chemotherapy. It went well, but she's already seen some unpleasant side effects. Although she doesn't know what the future holds, she's well acquainted personally with Him who holds the future. She has chosen to trust the Lord, regardless! She's a trooper though, and after her first chemotherapy session, she helped me make two batches of pickles! We encourage you to pray for us as we walk with Mom through this cancer battle.
We spent a week in the Ozarks in July. What a great time! Dennis' goal was to ski with his "new" leg, and he did! It wasn't without problems though. Long story short, his first ski ride ended up breaking the valve on his artificial leg. Because the valve was broken, his leg filled up with water and wouldn't stay in place. He called the prosthesis guy, hoping there would be an APO office nearby to make repairs. However, they said just tape it up with electrical tape. So, that's what he did, and it wasn't quite right, but it got us through the rest of the week.
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Dennis water-skiing at Lake of the Ozarks. |
School resumed in August, and I reveled in my "retired" status! I considered agreeing to being a sub driver, but after some consideration decided not to commit even in a very limited way. I'm enjoying being available to go with Mom whenever and wherever she needs to go.
On September 7, the Schulte posse (Travis, Dennis, Tyler, Wyatt and me) went to Little York, Illinois to participate in our first official Cowboy Action Shoot. We had a good time and learned a lot. I took the camera, but was so busy shooting, I didn't get any photos. We hope to go again in October.
That pretty much brings the old blog up-to-date. The most recent "news" is quite an interesting story.
Back in the early 80's, Dennis bought an International 656 tractor. We used it for everything around our little ranch with never a problem. Then, a year or two ago, we bought a JD 3020. Travis thought we should sell the International since we no longer needed it and since it was still in pretty good condition. We figured we'd take the advice, but before we actually got around to advertising it, we got a call from a farmer who was interested in buying it if we still had it and would sell it. Turns out that this family bought the tractor new and then traded it in at Nichtings. We bought it used at Nichtings. The folks that bought it new went to Nichtings to see if they could track down their old tractor, and Nichtings gave them our name. They came to look at it earlier this summer, and when they left they said they'd be thinking about it. Last week the younger son called and said if we still had it and would still sell it, they would buy it. He came to get it Monday! So, the little IH656 has returned to its original home. It was a sentimental day.
Baled a lot of hay over the years! |
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Winter time feeding chores. |
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This is the last of many post holes the 656 made on our place! |
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Doug of Hilltop Dairies drives it away. |
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Loaded and ready to go back to the dairy! |
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