Since you asked, here are my photos taken of the eagle perched in our tree last Saturday. At least I think it was Saturday. We've been so unscheduled since the last day of school it's hard to keep track of days. I wish I'd walked a little closer to the tree, but didn't because I was afraid it would scare him away. We really enjoyed watching him, but have not seem him around here since Sunday. We're seeing plenty of the little songbirds though! In fact, today we're going to have to run to town for more bird feed! They eat unbelievable quantities, and the birds that come seem to announce to every bird in the county that we're serving, so the flocks keep getting bigger. We enjoy watching them though, and will continue throughout the winter. Many times recently, we've seen so many colorful birds in and around the feeder that it would seem the bushes are beautifully decorated. I'm ever amazed at the variety and beauty of each species. God made the heavens and the earth we see so beautiful, it's hard to imagine how beautiful heaven will be!
This may be my last post until after Christmas, so let me leave you with a Christmas card greeting.
When you get right down to it, He's the only thing that really matters. Merry Christmas to you!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Posted By Request....
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Heartland Ice Storm!
School was canceled all over the tri-state area yesterday much to the dismay of students, teachers, and most of all, bus drivers! We started our Christmas vacation a day early. I confess, it did not upset me one little bit, but the little boys were truly disappointed, because Friday was the day they were to have their classroom Christmas parties. To help alleviate their disappointment, we had our own little "class party" at Mar's Old Fashioned One Room Schoolhouse. First, we baked cookies. I was able to find some little items to wrap up for party favors. We enjoyed hot chocolate in fancy little cups and saucers with warm cookies, played some table games, and each of the boys received a small gift. It was great fun. In fact, they thought it may have been even better than the party that would have taken place in their "real school".
After all that, we went out to slip and slide on the ice. Walking was a challenge for me, but that wasn't exciting enough for them. They wanted to ride their bikes on the ice and then they got the sled and saucer out.
It took them about two hours to get wet and cold enough to come back inside. Wyatt was tired, and said he wanted to take a little nap! Can you believe that---he's asking me to let him take a nap! That's a real switch! While he was resting, Zach played quietly and I cleaned up the mess we made baking cookies.
All in all, we enjoyed a wonderful day. Just before they went to sleep for the night, they both commented about the fact that we "didn't even go anywhere today". I told them that I especially enjoyed days that were spent entirely at home, and they agreed.
Indeed, there's no place like home!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!!
With Christmas less than two weeks away, we're still trying to find that "perfect" gift for several on our list! Actually, most of the shopping is done, decorations are in place, and we're just counting the days until school dismisses for Christmas break. They probably call it winter break, but we say Christmas around here! December 19th is the last day of school for us, and we'll be off until January 5th. Yahoooo! (Got it right this time, Charlie)
During the Thanksgiving break, I bought sling-shots for the boys. They really enjoyed them while they were here, but their Mommy wouldn't let them take the sling-shots home. I can't imagine why! She said something about windows and cars and such, and that there was no way they would want the boys armed with sling-shots around their place. So, I guess they can look forward to using them when they come to visit.
The first weekend of December, we traveled with Gariann, Kirk, Nanci and Ron to Camp Forest Springs. We had a wonderful trip from start to finish. Thousands of laughs. Camp hosted a dinner theater Saturday evening, and we thoroughly enjoyed that. Since we came such a distance, we stayed overnight in the luxurious Ministry Center rooms and they even prepared breakfast for us before we left Sunday morning! I had never been so far north in the winter, and was pleasantly surprised! The snow was beautiful, and although the temperatures were hovering near zero, it was not miserable at all! In fact, although I did take a coat, I never once had to put it on.
We're enjoying some winter-like weather here at home now. There's a little snow on the ground, with hope for more to come. We're so thankful for our family, friends, home, jobs, health, and so much more! And, in case we don't post again before the 25th, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
November Snow!
It's SNOWING!!! Yippeeee! If the old wives' tale is true, that would mean we'll have 30 measurable snows this winter! I say "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"
Friday, Zach and Wyatt helped put up and decorate our Christmas tree. Friday evening we hosted the Texas Hold'Em players. Everyone had a great time.
Monday, November 03, 2008
And Our President-Elect Is....
Wow! Can it be November already? Tomorrow is election day. We'll be casting our votes right after my morning route. According to the news, they're expecting an unprecedented voter turn-out. We recently received an e-mail with ten "election predictions". Regardless of who wins:
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed teaching and healing.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost.
Thanks, Mary Ann, for sharing that e-mail!
Sunday afternoon the kids were here to ride motorcycles. It was a beautiful day. They rode the trails and hills, but they also found some other entertaining activities. They really had fun with an old, nearly worn out big bale ring.

They also had fun climbing our huge sycamore tree. Wyatt and Hannah were posing for pictures when we noticed that there was another face in the frame. Squeak had climbed up there with them.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Congratulations Tyler!
Tyler set out to win a five race series at Burlington 34 Raceway this summer. He was going for the point championship, winning the first two races in his #96 Buick. In the third race, he had suspension problems and finished way back in twelfth position. As a result, he lost the point lead. Good old Dad, (Dennis) had him drive his #0 Celica for the last two races which Tyler won, giving him the point championship, by a mere two points! Way to go, Tyler!
The points were "driver" points, so changing cars was permissible. Fortunately, Tyler built Dennis a strong, quick car with a good handle not ever thinking that he himself would need it! There may have been a few times that Tyler questioned his wisdom in making his Dad so competitive, because Dad was pretty hard to beat! For all those great times and wonderful memories, thanks again, Tyler, and congratulations!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Here's the Latest....
Well, NQC was absolutely wonderful. I don't think I could do it justice by describing what it was like. Bobbie and I are now permanent seat holders. Someday maybe we'll get to go for the whole week, but for now we will be planning to attend Thursday through Saturday. We've already reserved our room across the street from the Expo Center, and looking forward to NQC 2009. I do have some pictures and a few "stories", and perhaps sometime soon I'll share those.
This post is to announce that Dennis won his race at Donnellson last Saturday. Here's the write-up about it, along with a picture taken afterwards.
By Jake Croxton
Dennis Schulte returned to LCS for a little fun and picked up the Shottenkirk Part Express Wild Thing 12-lapper in caution-free fashion. Randy Foor led early and looked to have the race well in hand, but Schulte methodically erased the deficit and brought Rob Hammel through with him to second. Chris Loring, Jr. and Jim Oliver, III raced to top five finishes.
A-Main 01 -- 1. Dennis Schulte, Keokuk; 2. Rob Hammel, Hamilton, Ill.; 3. Randy Foor, Morning Sun; 4. Chris Loring, Jr., Keokuk; 5. James Oliver III, Hamilton, Ill.; 6. Bill Whalen, Jr., Riverside; 7. Brent Hartley, Niota, Ill.; 8. Jim Garrett, Ottumwa; 9. Ryan Anderson, Donnellson; 10. William Michel, Farmington; 11. Jason Fowler, Donnellson; 12. Chuck Fullenkamp, Fort Madison; 13. Kevin Garrett, Bloomfield; 14. R Noble, Wapello; 15. Cory Sheetz, Keota; 16. Josh Green, Wapello; 17. Travis Yakle, Wapello; 18. Bryan Rodefer, Fort Madison.
Heat 01 -- 1. James Oliver III, Hamilton, Ill.; 2. Chris Loring, Jr., Keokuk; 3. Randy Foor, Morning Sun; 4. Jim Garrett, Ottumwa; 5. Bryan Rodefer, Fort Madison; 6. Travis Yakle, Wapello.
Heat 02 -- 1. Dennis Schulte, Keokuk; 2. Bill Whalen, Jr., Riverside; 3. Ryan Anderson, Donnellson; 4. Josh Green, Wapello; 5. William Michel, Farmington; 6. Cory Sheetz, Keota.
Heat 03 -- 1. Rob Hammel, Hamilton, Ill.; 2. Brent Hartley, Niota, Ill.; 3. Chuck Fullenkamp, Fort Madison; 4. Jason Fowler, Donnellson; 5. R Noble, Wapello; 6. Kevin Garrett, Bloomfield.
He didn't get to race all summer because of the knee replacement, so he was very excited about getting back "on track". Of course, I nagged and harped at him for being so foolish. After all, that knee was just put in there June 20th....only three months ago. But, in spite of my concerns, he raced, and won....all without any damage to the new joint. Just like he said. I guess I'm just an old worry wart.
I've been keeping busy with activity bus trips and fishing whenever we have the opportunity. Every day we're noticing more and more fall colors. Travis has been getting the combine ready for harvest. They'll be in the fields most likely within a few weeks.
I just finished reading a new, hot-off-the-press book. It's titled "Unpacking Forgiveness" by Chris Brauns. It was very well written, and although the book is quite meaty, it's very easy to read. I highly recommend it!
Well, as Porky Pig says, "Th-th-th-that's all, folks!"
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Look Out Louisville!
Bobbie and I will be leaving as soon as I can finish my afternoon bus route. If any of you readers just happen to be attending the NQC look for us in the crowd! As you can see from the photo, it actually started Sunday. Maybe someday we'll be able to go for the whole week! Until then, I'm just thankful for the opportunity to attend Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We plan to be home before dark on Sunday. In the meantime, the Mr. will be taking care of everything here on the home front.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Summer in September!
Well, here it is, September already. It's hard to believe that summer is over. It's especially hard to believe it when the temperatures are actually higher than they were for most of the summer!
Yesterday, Labor Day, we actually worked. We did several jobs that have been waiting to be done for quite some time, and I am happy to have them officially "scratched off" of the to-do list.
Today, as I was driving, I noticed many woolie worms. I started to count them, but there were so many that it was distracting, so I stopped counting at 34. Every single one of them (the 34 I counted plus all the rest that I saw) were black! In addition, they were ALL traveling southwest! Yes, every single one --- traveling southwest. So, you ask? Well, of course, they are not 100% accurate, but the message they're sending is this: If you can't spend the winter in Arizona, you'd better buy thermal underthings and stock the pantry. Winter will arrive on or about December 20th, and it will last well into March 2009. The "January thaw" will be late, and heating costs will be at an all time high!
But, what do woolie worms know? Do you remember last winter? Last year's worms predicted a mild winter, early spring and drought for May and June.
Well, enough nonsense! It's a gorgeous day here in SE Iowa, and I'm going to get out there and enjoy it!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thirty Seven Years Ago......
We were married! Today is our 37th anniversary. It doesn't seem possible that we've been married so long, and have children so old! It's been good. Very good, in fact. I have no idea how we will be celebrating, but I'm hoping it includes a trip to Nauvoo for dinner....soon!
These pictures are from our wedding in 1971.
My mom made all the dresses except Leslie's. Leslie's mom, Bonnie made the dress for Leslie. Mom also made the veil, and I believe the little flower girls hat too. It was a beautiful wedding on the hottest and most humid day of the whole decade! Still, none of the wedding party fainted, and the church didn't even have air conditioning!
Well, one mystery is solved. Dennis just called from his cell phone. He is mowing around our fields, and I can see him. In fact, I was watching him stop and use the phone when the house phone rang. But, I digress. Anyway, he called to say that it's taco night at Papa's, and if I didn't have anything already fixed for supper, we could go meet Travis and his family for tacos. Well, of course, I don't have anything fixed....because I've been working on this blog, so Wooo-Hooo! We're going out to eat. I'm STILL hoping to be taken to Nauvoo Hotel though. Soon!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
'Twas the Night Before School Starts...
Too soon will be dawn, with bus drivers rolling hither and yon. Picking up children, Oh what a joy....We'll greet them all warmly, each girl and each boy.
Man! It's WAAAAYYYYY past bedtime, and I believe I'm getting silly!
To celebrate the last full day of summer vacation, the grandsons and I went fishing. Today it was Zach's turn to catch the big one. I was tying a knot for Wyatt when Zach starting calling for help! By the time I was able to get to him, he had it reeled in and on shore. How exciting!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Terrific Tuesday!
Today I worked on my digital scrap booking project. It seems that I'm constantly learning something new about the program. Today I made a page showing Emma playing Frisbee with Gariann. I was very pleased with the way it turned out.
Also, today, Zach and Wyatt were here. We went fishing, helped Travis for a little while, and of course, played with the goats. We caught a few nice fish, but the big ones got away! The picture took forever to upload, because I forgot to resize it! So, if you click on it to get a better look, be prepared to wait a minute or two. It's a big file.
Next week, we go back to school. This is my last week of "summer vacation". Boooo hoooo.....
Monday, August 04, 2008
Sweet Corn Sunday!
Well, that should have been the title for yesterday's post, but since I didn't get it done yesterday I decided to call it that anyway. Sunday morning (before church) Dad, Lynn, Gariann and Kirk went and picked 100 dozen ears of corn. Yes, they picked one hundred dozen. I think maybe that was just about 8 or 10 rows from Dad's garden. They'd picked 80 dozen the day before for Jake and Melissa, but I digress.
Aunt Neet, Dad's sister, was here visiting for a few days and she fixed dinner for our whole tribe.
After that delicious Sunday dinner, we started our corn processing plan.
We had a shucking crew, and a cutting team, and Gariann was our cook.
It was quite a smooth operation, and when we were done, we had over 225 pints of corn in the freezer.
Not bad for an afternoon and evening of fun. It really was fun too. Working together always makes it fun, except for poor Gariann. She was in the kitchen cooking and cooling corn all by herself. She missed out on a lot of laughs.
It's hard to believe that in just two weeks from today, I'll be back to school. Actually, I won't be driving until Wednesday, August 20th, but we have meetings to attend Monday and Tuesday, so I figure that's when my summer vacation ends.
Dennis will be going back for a checkup Friday. They'll x-ray his new knee and then we're hoping that they'll say he can start therapy and get rid of the brace.
There's so much more I could write if only I could remember! We really had a great vacation, and maybe when I have more time, I'll post a few photos from camp. Right now, I have yet to unpack and do laundry!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Gariann!
Today is Gariann's birthday, and I can only say that she's not as old as me...YET!
Aaron, Gariann's grandson, is growing and as impossible as it seems, he is cuter every time we see him.
Saturday, we enjoyed good food and fun at Tom and Linda's. We took Zach and Wyatt along, and they really enjoyed getting to know their relatives. They especially enjoyed Jace and MyKelti, Tom and Linda's grandkids. They played in the pool in spite of the cold, rainy weather. The rest of us sat poolside, all bundled up, watching them.
Our little goat family is also growing. The are an endless source of entertainment. The boys love caring for them and playing with them. They're so cute, we're going to have trouble when it comes time to get rid of some. However, we will have to downsize! Here's a picture of Barney and all the kids. From left: Brownie, Tuff, Dolly, Fluffy, Barney, Pinky, and Nanny.
That's the highlights of the past month, with the exception of Dennis' knee surgery. He had the knee replaced on June 20. It's going alright, we think. I think he's doing way too much, but can't keep him down. Today, he's mowing hay. It does need put up, but I think he's taking a big risk of an injury, which would be another set back! While he's unable to drive the truck, Travis and I are taking care of the grave digging. In addition, Dennis has several people needing rock, so I've been hauling a little rock too. I have been staying fairly busy, and the summer is passing way too fast! I can't believe that it's already the middle of July! Here's the "patient" while he was still at the hospital. Let me tell you, he was not there long! He had the surgery on Thursday, and I brought him home on Monday. He says the knee replacement would have been a breeze had they not torn the patella's tendon. That was a really big setback. He is supposed to keep the leg straight, and not use the muscle until that tendon is well healed. Anyway, that catches me up on blogging!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday the Thirteenth!
We were so sure that we would have more "kids" today, but Buttons fooled us! We were out there this morning before 8 to check on the babies and stayed nearly all day, just waiting for more to be born. Much to our surprise, Barney was the first to birth twin girls yesterday, June 12. Wyatt is a very proud goat owner! He's named his kids Pinky and Nanny. Pinky is the one with the white face and pink nose.
We're still not finished with the planting, and unfortunately, much of what was planted and growing is now underwater! The rivers are beginning to look just like '93!
We spent all day yesterday in Iowa City, getting ready for Dennis' knee replacement scheduled for June 20. That's just one week from today! We're hoping to get our hay up before the surgery. It would be nice to have it all stacked in the barn by then, but we can't seem to get more than two days in a row without rain.
There's more, but I haven't posted in so long, I really don't know where to start. So, I'll just add a "family photo". The picture isn't real clear because the camera had been in the house and was cold. That caused condensation on the lens. I learned that it's a very bad idea to take the camera from the house and start taking pictures right away.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Aaron Arrived Safely Today!
Shane did a great job taking pictures and getting them posted so we could all see Aaron! Thanks Shane! For those who would love to see more, here's the website:
Here's a preview.
I was going to post a few more, but having some technical problems. You can check out more and get all the details at the Totsites webpage.
Congratulations to Shane and Valerie! And welcome Aaron!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
'Tis the Season...
Between rains and digging graves, they're starting to make some progress. Still a lot of ground under water, but the rivers are receding. Dennis plans to have his left knee replaced in June, as soon as the crops are in. Last day of school....June 2....YIPEEE!
While they guys were working Russell's ground, Dennis spotted an old friend! He traveled many a road with Dad in old "Greenie". Greenie seems to be enjoying a well deserved retirement!
Trivia question: How old is Greenie? I think I remember, but will ask Mom or Dad to be sure I'm correct. I know Greenie is older than our kids.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Bobbie!
I hope you aren't feeling as old as I know you are!
We've had a fun day. Zach and Wyatt came and we've been playing school. We are now having a reading time, so I have a few minutes to let you all (whoever reads this) know what school is like at Mar Susie's One Room Schoolhouse. We did math, writing and music before lunch. After lunch we had science. In our science class, we were discussing gravity, resistance and inertia. Then we had recess. For recess, we did some grass skiing. We towed Zach on skis behind the four wheeler. I'm posting the pictures this time.
He made it quite a distance, but when he hit the wet spot, the resistance was so much less that he went over backwards!
How nice that our science lesson could be experienced in such a fun way. He also learned about inertia. When the skis stuck in a rut, his body continued forward motion until he hit the ground. And of course, without gravity he could have just floated up and away into the sky! Learning can be fun!