Saturday, February 28, 2015

I'm Learning That....

  • Being wise is better than being rich.
  • Wisdom and money can get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life.
  • Criticism from a wise person is better than praise from a fool.
  • Anger is the friend of fools.
  • Finishing is better than starting.
  • Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in understanding.
--- Proverbs 9:10
So, what does "fear of the Lord" mean?  I've been pondering it for a while, and I believe it could be comparable to a fear of fire.  I'm not afraid of fire, because I understand (at least a little) it's power and also it's nature.  If I'm sitting around a campfire, contained within a fire ring, I have no fear of it.  I like to sit near it and enjoy the warmth, the light it gives, and even utilize the heat to roast wieners or toast marshmallows. It's restful, relaxing and makes a very cozy atmosphere. 
However, one day, there were dry leaves too near the flame, and the fire left the containment of the ring.  It spread quickly and grew in intensity, consuming everything in its path.  Fortunately, I was able to regain control, but not before burning up about 4 acres.  I can assure you that I had great fear of that fire!  I knew it could get into our neighbor's bean field and ruin his crop, or go as far as the house and consume our home!
So, I would say, yes....I have a "fear" of fire.  I know what it can do!  Now, I don't sit around worrying about fire, but I do respect fire and act accordingly.
I think it is a little like that to "fear the Lord".  I'm not afraid of Him, because I know He loves me.  I know He is good, merciful, forgiving, and  gracious.  Yet, I also know that He is just, jealous, omnipotent, and does not tolerate sin. 
Hebrews 12:28b-29  .....Let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe.  For our God is a consuming fire.
So, I hope I'm developing wisdom.  I've started, which is good, but as stated above, it's better to finish. 
I want to finish well!

Karen Peck and New River Song:
Click to listen:
Finish Well

There will come a day
I know without a doubt
Around the throne the saints will bow
And lay down every crown
How glorious that moment
To see Him face to face
To hear Him say "well done my child"
You've finished your race
But for now the sun's still rising
There's work to still be done
While we're waiting for the promise
Of what is yet to come.

Finish well
Every day that we are given
Finish well
For the glory of His name
Finish strong
Until the Savior finally calls us home
Give it everything we have
Finish well.

There's no truth in saying
We've seen our better days
These are the days to be courageous
Bold and full of faith
So wherever He may lead us
Whatever it may cost
Let the Church arise and lift
The banner of the cross.

Finish well
Every day that we are given
Finish well
For the glory of His name
Finish strong
Until the Savior finally calls us home
Give it everything we have
Finish well
Finish well
Finish well
Finish well…