I woke up this morning, feeling rested, blessed and thankful! It would be impossible to list all the things for which I am thankful. However, I will name just a few.
I'm thankful for my husband. Back in 1970, when we met and started dating, I thought he was pretty great. But, I now realize that I had little to do with "picking a winner" for a husband! God has brought us through these past 42+ years and blessed us abundantly beyond all that we could have thought to ask or even imagine. God has made Dennis the man he is today, and I am thankful!
I'm thankful for our sons, their wives, and our grandchildren...even great grandchildren! I've always thought our boys were the best boys on the planet (still do), and at one time thought there would never be a girl good enough for them. But, I was wrong! I'm so thankful for the "girls" God brought into our lives through our sons! They've been a real blessing and joy! We love our daughters!
I'm thankful for my parents. Mom and Dad were and continue to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. They showed me the way to live by walking in righteousness themselves. They taught me right from wrong. They taught me to enjoy work, respect others, share, sing, and love. My understanding for God's unconditional and constant love is largely due to the way my parents loved me! They taught me just about everything I know!
I'm thankful for my siblings. They too have taught me a lot! I love each of them dearly, and I know that if ever I need help in any way, I can count on them!
I'm thankful for friends. We have many that I consider "forever" friends. Even if time and distance separates us, the bond remains. If you're one of those, you know who you are! Friends are a blessing. I'm thankful for all my friends!
I'm thankful for my home. I love our house, I love where our house is located, and just everything about it.
I'm thankful for excellent health! What a tremendous blessing to be at my age and enjoy good health!
I'm thankful for reliable transportation. I'm thankful for work, and opportunities to work. I'm thankful for songbirds. I'm thankful for eyesight, for the ability to hear, for the sense of smell. I'm thankful that I am able to taste things.
I'm thankful for all my stuff! Even though I have more than I can stuff away, I am thankful and I'm thankful that I can take a lot of my stuff and give it away to bring pleasure to someone else who doesn't have stuff!
As I stated earlier, it is impossible to list all for which I am thankful. Most of all, I am thankful for God, who was, and is, and is to come, who created all that is with a word, who is truth, life, light, and love. I'm thankful for God's constant mercy and grace. I'm thankful for God, who gave His own beloved Son, so that I am reconciled....redeemed...forgiven. Indeed, I am thankful!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Stuff, Stuffed, and Stuffing
I have stuff. Nearly everyone has stuff, I guess. In my case, I have more stuff than I can stuff into the space available. I've stuffed stuff into closets, into cabinets, into boxes, totes, and bags. Every available space is stuffed with stuff, and I just keep stuffing. What is all this stuff? How have I acquired all this stuff? Why do I keep this stuff? What will I ever do with this stuff? A lot of this stuff has to go! I don't need most of the stuff I've stuffed away all over our over-stuffed house. Beginning now, I'm going to start stuffing stuff into a truck and share stuff with someone who doesn't have enough stuff! So, if you want stuff, I'll give you some stuff. I'm "cleaning house", and stuff is moving out! Unloading stuff ... clearing the clutter! Stuff out Saturday, November 30.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Where you stand depends on where you sit.
This morning, I was reading some of my mail and one line really caught my attention. "As the saying goes, where you stand depends on where you sit." Immediately my mind went to Psalm 1 which says:
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so; but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. --- Psalm 1 (ESV)
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus begins with Sitting At the Feet of Jesus. I want to deliberately sit in His presence, delighting and meditating on the law of the Lord. Music helps me do that! For whatever reason, songs stay in my mind. I think if the entire Bible were put to music, I could memorize and sing the whole thing. Many of the Scriptures that are in my memory are there because they have been set to music, so I can sing them. So, back to the main point... I need to make sure I'm sitting where I want to stand!
Well, that's my "sermon" (to myself) for today.
Last spring, Dennis was suffering some problems with what was thought to be cellulitis in his lower left leg. The initial treatment seemed to improve the situation, but after a few weeks it got worse. He was admitted to the hospital, treated with IV antibiotics, and sent home with oral medication to continue. Again, he improved, but again it came back. Long story short, he continued through summer to have the same type of problems, so in October a biopsy was done and we learned that he had bone infection. Treatment options were lifelong medication or below the knee amputation. He decided that amputation would be the better choice (it was the recommendation of the doctors as well) and on November 21, he had a below the knee amputation. He's doing very well, and is coming home today. He says he plans to be running on his prosthetic leg by Christmas!
The Dysart Family concert went well. We didn't fill the building by any means, but we had a nice turn out.
Lots of people I didn't know were there, as well as many that I've not seen in a very long time. It was a fun evening.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
October Update
Harvest time! I'm not up on how the yields are on the row crops, but we certainly have a bumper crop of hickory nuts and walnuts! Even though we had an extended dry spell, there is a harvest. I can't help thinking of the verses from Habakkuk.
"Though the fig tree should not blossom, and there be no fruit on the vines, though the yield of the olive should fail, and the fields produce no food, though the flock should be cut off from the fold, and there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hinds' feet, and makes me walk on my high places." Hab. 3:17-19I'm not a scholar, and the verse within the context has much more to it than this, but to me, my personal paraphrase is that regardless of how bad things seem to be, I will trust God and continually rejoice in His goodness and faithfulness.
On that note, I invite anyone reading this to join me for an uplifting time of joyful praise and worship with the Dysart Family. They're going to be in concert at New Testament Christian Church on Nov. 22. 7:00 PM
I know of two other opportunities to hear Southern Gospel groups in the area. Brian Free and Assurance will be in Augusta IL on November 8, 2013. The Lester's will be in Keokuk on November 9, 2013.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
NQC Was Great!!!
I couldn't possibly tell every detail about our Louisville trip...because Bobbie, Janie and I agreed that what happens in Louisville stays in Louisville. (Kidding, of course!)
We left home promptly at 6 AM Wednesday. First stop was Cracker Barrel at the 9 mile marker east of St. Louis. We had a splendid breakfast, and were on the road again, making good time. We played the ABC game, which turned out to be quite challenging and more fun than expected. Arrived in Louisville by 2 PM.
Wednesday night was all male quartet groups, and all very good. Instead of paying to park, we took the Crowne Plaza shuttle over to Freedom Hall. We walked back since it was only a couple blocks and there were people lined up waiting for the shuttle. We figured we could walk faster than the shuttle going through all the traffic anyway. And, in fact, we did.
The video clip shows about three minutes worth of some of the "memorable moments" from the stage.
We laughed at Dennis "Swan" Swanberg, and enjoyed the Gaither Vocal Band, Gatlin Brothers and Booth Brothers on stage together. Larry, Steve and Rudy sounded as good as ever! We attended the Red Book Sing-a-long, although we were late, missing the first half. Hearing thousands of people singing together in harmony was beautiful. I loved the "Parade of Pianos", which is actually more a parade of piano players. We heard some incredibly talented pianists! One of the most impressive was a 14 year old boy!
We were thrilled to see the Booth Brothers win lots of awards....again! (Song of the year, Best lead singer, Best baritone, Favorite Group...) We figured David Phelps would get Best tenor, and we were right.
As we traveled home, we got our "Red Book Hymnals" out of the bags and started singing together. It made the trip quick, and we had so much fun we decided that we'll continue singing together at home! As incredibly unbelievable as it seems, I got the high part! Who would have guessed? Anyway, it was a great trip, a very inspirational convention, lots of fun, and memory making moments! Watch for more news about the new ladies' trio being formed....We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we're available for bookings! LOL!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
It's almost time. In ten short days, I'll be headed to Louisville for
another Quartet Convention. This is a special one, as NQC is moving to
Pigeon Forge in 2014. I'm very excited. In addition to the main stage
performances each night, I'll be seeing (hearing) the Gaither Vocal Band
with the Gatlin Brothers and the Booth Brothers all performing
together! I'll also enjoy the Parade of Pianos competition, hosted by
Gordon Mote and Gerald Wolfe, and Singing News Fan Awards and much more.
It's going to be a great time!
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I will be right there! |
Thursday, August 15, 2013
What's In Your Wallet?
You've most certainly seen all those ridiculous commercials for a particular credit card where at the end you are asked, "What's in YOUR wallet?" I have to confess that I'm not carrying the card they are promoting in that commercial, but I like the question. Well, I like the fact that it asks you to "look inside" or to check your "wallet".
I've recently been reminded that I have a very good indicator of what's inside of me! An easy way to "check the wallet of my heart" so to speak. Jesus said, "...for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34) WOW! I've heard that before. In fact, I'm sure I've heard or read that verse many times. What I so often fail to do though, is just listen to myself! Do I grumble and complain? Am I critical? Am I judgmental? Sadly, I do, and I am! God demonstrated His love and gave His only Son, Jesus to die so that I could be redeemed, not that I deserve it, but because of God's infinite and unending love, His mercy and His grace. I want His love, mercy and grace to so fill my heart that it overflows onto everyone I meet. Let me be filled with gratitude, let me be thankful, let me encourage, let my speech be gracious, and let me speak the truth in love.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes...incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain. Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things and give me life in your ways" (Psalm 119:33-37)
Listen! What's in your ....
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Oh Where, Oh Where Has the Summer Gone?
Summer "vacation" seems to have gone much too quickly! I think it seems extra short because it was so wet and cold for the first few weeks that it really didn't seem like summer to me. Nevertheless, here we are, just one short week from our first day back to school. I will be working again with Ms. Myers in the Central Lee Elementary. While I am looking forward to a great school year, I could use another month of summer! I've also been offered an additional position as a bus driver, and after much consideration have accepted that role. It's "long term temporary sub" for now and could become permanent. I was very hesitant to accept a bus driving job again, but had no real good reason to refuse it. Since I would be driving to school every day anyway, it will simply increase my income and add a couple hours to my time away from home. I'm thinking this "extra" will fund my current project.
Our "Current Project":
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Ours may not look just like this, but this is the general idea. A very ambitious project for one with no carpentry skills! |
Earlier this summer, we were introduced to Cowboy Action Shooting. It's fun, somewhat competitive, and it's something our family could enjoy doing together. So, that's what we've been working on for much of the past few weeks. We have a perfect location to set up some stages and a shooting range. The site was quite overgrown with multiflora roses and quite a lot of poison ivy as well, so I did a lot of "clearing" with the chemical weeder. After killing the nasty brush off, the boys and I worked at just picking up and burning the sticks and logs that were small enough to handle.
This was after I'd sprayed and we'd picked up most of the dead wood we could carry without cutting it up first. |
Last week, Dennis went down and cut up all the big stuff and we burned it. The boys, along with Dennis and I, worked for two days clearing and cleaning the area. And what a difference it made! We did take pictures of our work in progress, but they really show much. Now that the area is cleaned up and cleared out, we are ready to start building the "stages" and targets. That's my current "priority project", as I'd like to have it up and going yet this fall.
Zach and Wyatt helped haul several big loads to a ditch for burning at a later date. |
While much was hauled off, we kept several fires going to burn the small stuff we had raked up. |
Zach raking, and Wyatt ready to light up this pile of dead wood. |
The coming weekend is going to be a weekend of celebration around here. We'll be celebrating 42 years together and since Zach and Wyatt will be staying with us we plan to let them enjoy dinner at the Hotel Nauvoo with us. The Hotel Nauvoo has become an annual tradition for our anniversary. We'll also celebrate the "last free weekend" before school resumes. We plan to invite family and friends to a swimming party and wienie roast, weather permitting, of course. If we were rained out we wouldn't mind a bit since we do so need some rain.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Summer Time, and the Living is Easy!
Wow! From January to July....where do I begin?
We took our first cruise last February. Cruising was something we'd always thought we would never care to do, but we set sail from New Orleans on the Navigator of the Seas and visited Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica. It was wonderful! We enjoyed everything about the cruise and might just do it again someday!
Coming in to Cozumel |
Once the temperatures started warming up, the grass started growing. Most of May and June were spent behind my Skag mower! When not watching ball games, I was mowing.
We hosted the Keokuk Aqua-Naut reunion on June 28-30. We enjoyed visiting with many friends over the weekend. Many of them were folks we'd not seen in many, many years! The weather was perfect for it and I think everyone had a good time. We certainly did!
We've completed several "projects" on the place and have several more still in the works or at least on the list to be done. Much of it requires heavy equipment, so it has to be worked in when Dennis has the time and the ground is dry enough. We have several springs on the place and need to work on the drainage so that it can drain off. Right now we have a big old swamp with stagnant water, which provides habitat for reptiles. Totally NOT acceptable! I don't mind frogs or turtles, but I don't like spiders or snakes!
We are now members of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) and my top project is getting a shooting range ready to use. If you are not familiar with SASS, you might enjoy this informational video:
Introduction to Cowboy Action Shooting SASS
We spent a week on the Lake of the Ozarks and had a wonderful time. Did lots of skiing, swimming, sunning, sharing time with friends and family and making memories.
Aaron loved riding his new "skis" and as you can see in the video, he knows how to signal the driver. He gave us the "put me down" signal, but he then jumped off instead of waiting. I guess the driver response time was slower than Aaron thought it should be.
Certainly much has been left out. Some things are so routine it's hardly worth mentioning, and some took place so long ago it has slipped the mind. So, for now, that's the update. Going out to enjoy more sunshine, heat and humidity! I Love Summer!
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Happy New Year!
NYE .... To me, it's a name, but once a year our name becomes an acronym and makes headlines all over the media. New Year's Eve. And as usual, we celebrated the end of the year with good friends and family.
We enjoyed good food, fireworks, fun and fellowship all evening at the Rockhold home.
After taking the men home, the NYE girls (Gariann, Bobbie and Susie) went "first footing" and surprised Erma Potts! Erma brought the first footing tradition to us from her hometown. We learned today that the tradition originated in Scotland. It was the grandmother of the little girl who was flower girl at George and Erma's wedding who brought the first footing tradition to Dana, Indiana. When George and Erma came to Keokuk they shared that tradition with their congregation. Basically, it's being the first visitor to come calling in the new year. The way it was done then was that one would go to the home of another to make the first call of the year, and then those folks would join their visitors to go on and visit another person. Each person receiving first footers would then join the group and proceed to the next place to visit. Eventually, the group would wind up having breakfast together....often at the last home visited.
We didn't proceed beyond Erma's home this morning, but we did take her by total surprise. We arrived just minutes after midnight and stood on the porch playing harmonica, clarinet and banging pans. We made so much noise the neighbors were turning on lights, but Erma was back in her kitchen with the radio on and didn't even hear us. We feared the neighbors would call the police, so we went to the back porch and started making noise. Finally, Erma came to see what all the racket was about. I didn't get the picture of when she met us at the door, but we did take a couple snapshots once we were invited inside.