Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Meet Herman!

This is the raggedy raggedy goat, with horns on his forehead and burrs on his coat!
He's not very pretty and not very neat, but you ought to see all the things he can eat!
That's from one of the nursery rhymes we used to read to our boys when they were little. Travis used to say it like this:
"Dis is the raggedy raggedy goat, with horns on his two head and burrs on his coat"
At any rate, this is Herman, and he's going to be the daddy of our "kids". We're hoping for three sets of twins....six kids. They'll be due about mid-June.
Once Herman has done what he's here to do, we'll be sending him back to his home north of Montrose. I have to say that Herman is really stinking our place up! I did not realize how horrible a Billy goat smells!


Heidikins said...

Did I not tell you that they smell? I was pretty sure that I did! Regardless, LOL, you have found out!!!!

And all I can say is I hope your kids resemble the momma's..because he is ONE UGGGLYYY looking thing!!!

Susie Schulte said...

Herman is a good reason to check into AI next time. I don't think we want to keep a Billy goat! The nannies are cute, and they don't stink!

Heidikins said...

But they are ALLLLLL a pain in the..... at some point

Anonymous said...

You and your goats !!!!!!!!!

Madam Cardoza said...

I have to agree with Heidi. That is one UGGGLYYY goat. :-) Having a cold spell down here.