I received this note recently. I don't know where he got the idea that I had something wrong with my foot, because that simply is not true. No doubt he heard something and thought I had something wrong though. Such a sweet note! From a very sweet boy!
It's snowing today, but it's pretty light, and we don't expect it to amount to much. Much better than the ice we were getting!!!
The boys are here for the day, so I'm staying pretty busy, but not getting much done. It really doesn't matter though....everything I have to do can be put off for a while longer.
The snow is falling heavier now...so we can HOPE it will continue!
Well, the boys are pretty quiet....wonder why? Better go check!
OH....by the way, can you correct the sentence in the note? It's a little tricky!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Just ONE of the Joys of Being a Grandma!
11:55 AM
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Hey, Mar!! What a sweet note - that is too cute! Did you end up getting snow??? We certainly did down here. MANNNNN At least the sun is shining this morning - that helps! Not that it's going to melt, but it helps just to have a morning w/ the sun out! We are to go to Boonville today for the Hays' Christmas. Am's sister, Jean, lives there.
We DID get snow! It's beautiful. Only about 4 inches though, but we're thankful for that much.
We're going to Iowa City after church to play games and visit with Joe, Joy and about 25-30 other family...whoever shows up. Joe's birthday is Christmas eve, so Joy is having us come and celebrate with them. I'm sure it will be fun!
Enjoy your day with the Hays'!
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