Tuesday, September 11, 2007

National Quartet Convention!!!

As I am typing this post, I'm listening to the National Quartet Convention live via computer! And it's great! You can too, just go to www.solidgospel.com and click on listen live. If you don't have high speed, it probably won't work for you. But as much as I enjoy listening, it's going to be even greater still BEING there! And I am going! I'll be leaving Friday very early morning, and planning to enjoy an entire weekend of great music! I'm so excited about this trip. I've wanted to attend NQC for years, but just never made the arrangements. This year I started planning my trip way back in January, and I'm thinking it might become an annual event for me. I will certainly have stories and pictures to post when I get back! This year is the 50th year of NQC!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Girl ! Thank you for turning me on to this wonderful gospel music. I clicked on the website you gave in your blog and it is coming in loud and clear. I only have dial-up and it works. I am just wondering where the convention is that you are going to early Friday morning. You didn't say and I am curious. Anyway...have a great time. Don't forget that the Coralville trip is coming up soon. I can hardly wait.

Susie Schulte said...

Glad you're able to get that great southern gospel music. In the car, I listen to 91.7 FM which plays southern gospel.
I'll be leaving in the morning for Louisville.
Heidi asked for my address the other day, so I'm figuring there's information coming about the Coralville trip. I'll be looking for that! Hope bus driving doesn't interfere with that weekend.

Heidikins said...

ummmm the bus driving had better NOT interfere, you're right!!! This is an ANNUAL thing - you can just ask some other bus driver to drive!!! hehe

Enjoy your trip to the convention thing!!!!!!!

And yes...that's why I needed your addy! lol You're just too smart for your britches!! :)

Anonymous said...

Someone once told me that "he who gets too big for his britches will be exposed in the end". LOL
I'm posting here from the Sleep Inn in Louisville. The first night was GREAT! Will be going back for more tomorrow, and then head home on Sunday.

Heidikins said...

Hey...I've lost weight - so my britches have been too big for ME, thank you! LOL

Glad you are having a great time!!

Mom and I may be going to see the Gaither's in St. Louis - in December!!!! She's been waiting for that for YEARS. They were there a few years ago but I couldn't go -

Sleep Inn, huh? Are you actually staying at this one or just using their computer? LOL