The Rag-Weed is in full bloom! Those who have allergic reactions to ragweed have no doubt noticed! In spite of the fact that Dennis is allergic to it, I still think it's a beautiful weed.
The woolly worms are running about 80% very dark. And, I have also been noticing that they are mostly moving from west to east. Now, what does this mean? Absolutely nothing! I just wanted to beat Heidi in posting that observation! Ha! Of course, it just might mean that winter is coming, the heating bills will be higher, and spring won't get her until March 21, 2008. I had planned to stop and get a photo of one of those woolly wigglers, but I'm afraid I squashed him with my big yellow bus tires. If I find one willing to pose for a picture, I'll certainly add it to this post.
WELL....HERE is the promised photo...such as it is:
Friday, September 07, 2007
In Case You've Not Noticed
7:47 PM
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That's not fair. DIdn't I comment a while back that I had seen some blonde ones like in late July or early August ????? I know I had told my boss about it and we joked that winter was coming in September LOL
Yep - you beat me for sure!!! You little hon-yock!! :)
And yes, according to Am - they mean absolutely NOTHING!!!! :)
HA! Actually, I do remember you did mention the blondes some time back. I'm going to be looking for one that will stop and let me get a picture of him. Might even interview him if he's got a few minutes.
Right now I have to get going. Taking our marching band to the parade.
OH yea......the Ft. Madison Rodeo is this weekend, right? Man I sure do remember those days. That was always our first parade of the season. I was in the Clark County Band when they were just becoming the greatest band in the local area!!!!! :) In fact, the year AFTER I graduated, they took their first "big" trip - to Busch Stadium. Anyhow...we would practice practice practice for that Rodeo parade!!! It was sooo long - always had blisters on my feet from the little boot we wore w/ our skirts. I was in the flag unit! Weather looks nice for a parade (from here anyhow) Have a good day
BTW.....I think that the wooly worms haven't made it to Missouri yet because I just took a 3 mile walk and saw not a one!! Lotsa crickets but no wooly's!!!!! Maybe you're just making up a good story to, as you stated, 'beat me at the post' LOL
*btw means by the way
Huh! I have been seeing them, and they're all dark and running across the road. Today, I swerved to miss one, went back to take his picture and ask where he was going....but do you think he'd tell? Nope....ingrate just rolled up in a ball and ignored me. Should have squashed him....hahahaha!!! (JUST KIDDING) I wouldn't harm a woolly worm!
Also the golden rod is blooming and I remember my dad always saying only six weeks till the first frost. It seems to hold true. Time will tell. By the way love the picture of the wolly worm. Glad that bus didn't get that one.
Debra and Hope
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