Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Touring with Tawni and Alex

This afternoon we took Tawni and Alex sightseeing. We first drove by Travis' fields and looked at the corn and beans. All we saw looked pretty good! Of course, we stayed on the main road, and didn't go down Danford either.
Click here to select this photo.Then we went to the National Cemetery and Keokuk's Veteran's Memorial.

We also took in the scenic view from Bluff Park where the Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers meet.Bluff Park also provides a great view of Roquette, so I told what little I know of Roquette and the products they make. Tawni actually liked the smell! I love that girl! Our family has always thought the smell of the plant was a pleasant aroma, but most people don't agree!
We took a quick look at Lock and Dam #19 and then went to Nauvoo. We stopped by the Browning house. Jonathon Browning was apparently a Mormon. They've restored and maintained his house and gunsmith shop in Nauvoo and have a Browning gun museum there. We saw lots of tourists riding in a covered wagon drawn by a mule team. We stopped for picture taking near the temple.


Heidikins said...

First of all....might I ask "who is Tawni"??????