We left Iowa just ahead of a big winter storm! Boarded the Majesty of the Seas in New Orleans and sailed to the Bahamas. Our first stop was Key West, FL. We walked around seeing some of the sights and visiting a few shops. While on board the ship, we learned to play pickleball, saw many excellent theater productions, enjoyed the Majesty of the Seas orchestra, were spectators at the belly flop competition and the sexiest guy contest. Of the six or seven men competing for the sexiest man title, not a single one of them would have got my vote!
Our second stop was Coco Cay, Royal Caribbean's private island. I'd been there once several years ago, and it hardly looked like the same place. The beaches, and there were several, were lovely. They have really built it up. It now includes a huge water park, fresh water swimming pool, volleyball courts, bean bag games, lawn bowling, ping pong tables outdoors, basketball courts, and several other outdoor games, along with a trolley ride all around the island. Of course, there was an over abundance of food available as well, and soft serve ice cream all day long. I was pleasantly surprised to find it such a wonderful place. We enjoyed a 'Perfect Day at Coco Cay'.
As we were leaving Coco Cay, there was a major life threatening storm toward Nassau. Our captain chose to skip Nassau for the safety of everyone on board, so we went back to Key West for another day. While we were there, one couple got married at the justice of peace in Key West. Later that night, while at sea, there was a Love and Marriage game in the theater. The couple that were married that day participated as the 'newest' married couple. The had two other couples, one married for 60 years, and the other about 30. It was pretty entertaining.
We also enjoyed two entertainers from Las Vegas. Ralph Harris, a comedian, and Tony Tillman, a comedian/singer/dancer were great. Because of the storm they were not able to leave the ship as planned in Nassau, so Tony Tillman did a second show.
We had dinner every evening in the Starlight - a 'formal' dining room. Lunch and breakfast we opted for the Windjammer most of the time.
It was a great trip. We returned to New Orleans Saturday morning and were among the first to disembark. We were on the road to home by 8 A.M.
No matter where you go, it's always good to get home!
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