Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday Helpers Work in the Rain

Well...I don't know exactly what happened to the arrangement I'd planned for the pictures, but at least they're on the page. It's another Saturday morning with the boys. Since it's raining, we're taking advantage of the "pre-soak" and getting the van all cleaned up. Both boys, of course, wanted a turn at scrubbing the bugs off. So far we have three quarters of an inch in the rain gauge. Dennis did win the Championship last night at Donnellson. Don't know what else we might do with this rainy morning.


Heidikins said...

LOL......boys will be boys, ey!?
Wow....3/4" we managed to get 4 tenths in the night...well early 3:30. LOTS of lightening and thunder. I haven't turned on the tv yet today to see if it's working! Perhaps I should before the king gets home!!!!

Congrats to Dennis....pass that along from me, please!!!