On an entirely different line of thought, our world has been turned upside down with the corona virus COVID19. The first we heard of it was just a little blurb about people in China coming down sick. Just a few weeks later it became a global crisis. Today, here in the USA we have been restricted to having no gathering in excess of 10 people. Ten people! We also have worldwide travel bans, no dining in restaurants, no gym activities, sporting events, churches are holding worship services online, schools across the country have closed, the grocery stores and big stores like Walmart are out of hand soap, paper towels, toilet paper, tissue, and the frozen vegetables are almost all gone. Aldi's closed their doors. Never in my life have I witnessed such reaction. Even the attacks to our nation on 9/11 didn't create such fear.
I completely understand the measures being taken. It's a desperate attempt to slow, or even stop, the spread of this new virus. From all I've read and heard, this virus is unlike the typical flu virus in that it is spreading more quickly, and also that it mutates as it goes. Experts are saying that this virus has a greater health threat because it mutates, therefore humans aren't building up antibodies as they do with other viruses.
This virus is a catastrophic and global event, no doubt. Yet, we are not to tremble in fear. Let's pray, pray, and pray. And let's be sensible and make wise choices. Stay home if you're sick! Stay home if you're susceptible or more at risk than a normal healthy person. Wash your hands! Get enough rest. Drink water. Wash your hands! Get fresh air. Get proper nutrition. Don't touch your face, don't pick your nose, rub your eyes, or suck your thumbs, bite your nails....Keep your hands out of your mouth. Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands!
And trust God. He's not caught off guard. He's made promises, and He is faithful. He keeps His promises. And He says He is with us always. There are so many Scriptures that assure us of His constant, unending love and care. Read them! Get into His Word and let Him calm your fears, take your burdens, and restore your soul.